Viral Video: In a sad incident in Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, two students were caught between live electrical wires hanging dreadfully low on some street near International Welfare Mandapam. The duo, who were studying in class 10 and class 8 at Vidyasagar School, were caught between them. Tragically, one student died, and the other is in critical condition.
Students Electrocuted by Hanging Wires Near International Welfare Mandapam
The terrifying incident was caught on camera and shared on Twitter by Nabila Jamal. Netizens commented on the video with waves of mixed emotions, cringing, even crying in an angry manner in the comment section. One viewer shared, “Better to sit at home and never come out if you want to stay safe”. It was resonating frustration on the point of no safety measure in public places. Another comment rung out a concern over the apparent negligence, saying, “Very sad and how come the people in and around couldn’t see and complain to the electricity department before any fatal accident takes place.”
Two Students Electrocuted by Live Wires
The incident brings to the limelight a serious issue—public safety and infrastructure maintenance. The presence of live wires in such a dangerous position can only point toward the major lapse, not only in proper safety protocols but also in the proper intervention at the right time by the local authorities. There has been public outcry toward better vigilance and prompt action to avoid such tragedies.
This should be a reminder that regular maintenance and inspection need to be done on all public utilities. The community, while mourning the loss of a young one, and standing in one spirit with the surviving student, is demanding greater accountability and improved safety measures so that no such kind of accident gets to happen again.
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