Viral Video: A day or so back, a new video from Delhi Metro became viral over social media and created a huge controversy. The video, shared from the handle Lavely Bakshi, showed a couple indulging in inappropriate behavior while inside a metro train. Starting with standing, the duo sits down after some time and continue with their objectionable acts while no passenger near them could care less.
Delhi Metro Video Raises Questions About Public Decency
This act became an internet sensation within no time and puts a big question mark on the image of the Delhi Metro public, which has remained a perennial problem. Although many commuters have been trolled and scolded time and again for their behavior, some still continue to display worrisome acts. The act of the couple was recorded by an eyewitness and put on the Internet, and since then, it went viral.
Delhi Metro Incident Compared to OYO Hotel Stays
Social media users reacted quickly and vehemently. Many went on to record reactions expressing outrage and frustration, with some users even comparing the Delhi Metro experience to staying in an OYO hotel—an indication of how such behaviour is viewed as really unacceptable and shocking.
The video has rekindled talks about public decency and has called for tighter regulations for such maligning incidents in the future. As the video continues to make rounds, it only worsens the perennial challenges that the Delhi Metro faces in maintaining decorum and assurance of a respectful environment for its cross-section of passengers.
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