Viral Video: A video has been going viral over the internet these days in which a smart Indian lady has marked her presence in social media, using her intelligence with sarcasm to tackle a kitchen blunder. This video was shared on Instagram from the account keshavshashivlogs, and the woman has praised, as claimed, on Instagram according to the creativity and intelligence.
The Kitchen Slip-Up
In the video, she can be seen working in the kitchen with her husband by her side. As she over-salts the dish by erroneously putting too much salt on it, she thinks of a plan to shift the blame. With the best timing, she gives an excuse to visit the washroom and she asks her husband to pour salt on the dish in her absence. She did it more than the required amount before he came around.
Upon her arrival and tasting the very salty dish for real life, the woman started to accuse her husband of ruining the dish. The husband was already puzzled by the taste of the dish and could not fathom why it became very salty. He became a prey of his wife’s artful plan.
Crafty Solution
The video, which came out only a day ago, has gotten quite a number of views and a lot of reactions from viewers. Most praised the woman for what she did, saying things like “brother is trapped” and “fear God madam, it is always the poor husbands who are at fault.” Some even went to the extent of saying that her actions were a “very good idea.”
This comic episode will amuse the reader, showing how wit and quick thinking are able to turn a potential kitchen disaster into a funny, memorable moment.