Viral Video: The latest incident from Sushant Lok, Gurgaon, has gone viral, pointing out the dangers of rash driving and how much the authorities are at their wit’s end in enforcing traffic rules. The video was posted on Twitter by “Ghar ka Kalesh,” which features the disturbing encounter between a man dropping his child to school and a Maruti car driver.
Maruti Driver’s Aggressive Demands
The incident started when this Maruti driver, frustrated after he couldn’t overtake the line of school buses, wanted the man to reverse his vehicle to make way. The child, feeling the tension, started recording the situation. The video very clearly illustrates how the Maruti driver was in blatant violation of the traffic rules, and he was hell-bent on overtaking; besides, he issued a veiled threat and told the man, “Do what you want, send a notice.”.
Frustration Leads to Aggressive Road Rage
The video has gone viral on social media, and with this has been the amount of criticism and alarm expressed by viewers. There are many calls for the tightening up of the enforcement of the traffic laws and heavier punishment for those flouting them. It is actually a very timely reminder to become really mindful of road safety and responsible driving to keep everybody safe on the roads. One person commented,”4 notice bhejne bol raha…1 bhi notice chala gaya to banda maafi mangte hue firega police station mai.” Another person commented, “Are hat ja gadi koun sa plot naam karvana hai jo itna nakhre dikha rahe ho.”
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