Viral Video: A fierce quarrel between a husband and his wife near Shivanshi Restaurant in Adarsh Nagar, Sadar Kotwali, Unnao, has created quite a stir. This whole episode turned into a violent fight and drew attention from locals and passersby. What shocked and infuriated many, however, is the apparent non-response of the police who came to the scene but did little to break up the situation. A video was taken of the incident, catching what is a very disturbing scene regarding the role of police.
Heated Argument Escalates
Witnesses attending the festival described the violent scene, saying there was a heated argument between the couple that quickly escalated into something physical. Despite the presence of the police, the argument only got more heated as the husband and wife started abusing each other and even fisted one another. Local police, summoned to handle the situation, did little more than stand by and watch the drama unfold. Their inaction has enraged the gathered crowd of people who called on the police to tone down the situation and not just stand there, witnessing it.
Public Criticism of Police Response
The video clearly shows that police were present in the audience but did nothing to intervene or separate the fighting couple. This has raised serious questions with regard to the commitment of the police towards their duty and drew locals’ flak over the manner in which they handled the situation. Many believe that the police should have stepped in promptly to prevent the violence from escalating, rather than allowing it to play out in full view of the public.
Due to the growing public uproar, the police has now opened an investigation into the incident. Local authorities have accepted the police’s failure to act upon the same and have assured the public that the matter will be properly investigated. CO City Sonam Singh promised action against officers who neglected their duties during the incident. An inquiry is underway to ensure that such lapses don’t recur in the future, so that justice may well be served to the parties concerned.
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