Viral video: Sweet sin! Rasgulla chai raises eyebrows online; netizen say, ‘Gunaah hai yeh’

Weird food

Viral video: In a viral video, a surprising combination of flavors has emerged in the vibrant city of Ahmedabad. Rasgulla chai, a fusion of two beloved Indian treats, has been making waves and intriguing taste buds. While rasgulla holds a special place in the hearts of people from West Bengal, chai, or tea, is a ubiquitous beverage enjoyed by millions across the country. The amalgamation of these two culinary staples has sparked curiosity and debate among food enthusiasts.

Watch the viral video here

For many, a cup of tea is more than just a drink, it’s an integral part of daily life, a catalyst for business deals, and a source of comfort in a quiet morning. Also known as one of India’s favourite sweets is rasgulla, which is a smooth and soft pink ball manufactured out of cottage cheese. Combining these two flavors might seem like a whimsical idea, but a vendor in Ahmedabad has taken the bold step of creating rasgulla chai.

The process of preparing rasgulla chai, as captured in a video by food blogger @real_shutterup on Instagram, is surprisingly simple. The vendor takes an earthen pot, drops a rasgulla into it, and then pours regular tea over the sweet. The rasgulla absorbs the flavors of the tea, transforming into a brownish hue. The end result is a unique concoction that offers the option of either drinking the rasgulla-flavored tea or indulging in the tea-flavored rasgulla.

Let’s check out some tea lovers reaction 

One user commented, “This is a crime, Mohammed. Cannot even unsee it.” Another user commented, “Gujaratis and their obsession for sweet-ish mash up.” One of them commented, “Hello police, I would like to report a crime …. Against my taste buds.” 

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