Viral Video: A recent verbal spat between YouTuber Vikas Dayal and the staff at the Agra toll plaza went viral after a video of the incident was shared on Twitter by the handle “Ghar Ka Kalesh.” The argument had started when officials told Dayal, whose FASTag was functioning properly, that his FASTag had been blacklisted and asked him to pay double the cost of the toll in cash.
Tension Escalates as Toll Staff Demand Cash Payment Despite Valid FASTag
In this video, Dayal is seen asking the toll plaza staff why his functioning FASTag suddenly got declared invalid. Things turned hairy when the toll staff asked him to stop the recording of the interaction. “Why? Where is it written that I can’t shoot a video?” Dayal retorted, insisting on his right to document the incident.
The aggressiveness of the toll plaza staff increased with the argument. They wanted to take a toll in cash and still not ready to explain why FASTag was flagged as blacklisted. Dayal stood his ground and insisted on complete transparency and accountability from the toll plaza staff.
Viral Video Sparks Nationwide Outrage Over Toll Plaza Misconduct
The video went viral on social media within no time and has evoked countrywide outrage. Many users lambasted the toll plaza staff for their unprofessional behavior and for trying to fleece cash from a customer whose FASTag was functioning properly. It has brought to the fore once again how the FASTag system is being implemented or managed, which is supposed to facilitate smooth and cashless transactions at toll booths across the country.
The video has also led to calls for investigation into the incident and strict action against the toll plaza staff. While this debate on the misuse of FASTag technology continues, this incident has brought into focus the need for greater oversight and accountability in the toll collection process.