Viral Video: A video has surfaced from Mata Vaishno Devi Katra, from which the outrage has taken over social media. In one video, a lady in a green saree is being accused of scamming the devotees by the man recording the video scene. As per him, she plays with the emotions of the visitors by saying she has lost money and then extracts cash from them for fake purposes.
Calls to Beware of Temple Scammers
In the video, the woman could be heard speaking with another person when the man intervened and stole the show by accusing her of fooling people day in and day out outside the temple and collecting money to lead a lavish life in the night. The video shared by an account on August 31 with the username Ghar Ke Kalesh. “A local guy vs fraudster lady.” a part of the caption read while describing the situation.
Staying Vigilant Even in Sacred Spaces
The video has gone viral on the internet in no time and has received over 295,000 views. In the footage shared, several netizens were angry at the woman and termed her a scammer. Comments of viewers are filled with irritation and warning: “Aunty is running away now,” wrote one user, while another warned, “Stay away from such fraudsters.”
This video has sparked a bigger debate on the exploitation of religious sentiments and how necessary it is to be alert on the part of devotees. As the clip continues to go viral, it acts as a grim reminder to the public that even in sacred places like Mata Vaishno Devi, one needs to beware and be aware of some scam or the other.
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