Bengal Viral Video: Nabagram Trinamool Congress (TMC) MLA Kanai chandra Mondal is purportedly seen acting arrogantly on the Down Intercity Express in a strikingly viral video. BJP leader Agnimitra Pal claims that when a Ticket Examiner (TT) confronted the MLA and two passengers—one of whom was travelling with a ticket that wasn’t theirs—a furious altercation broke out. After posting the footage on social media, Agnimitra Pal accused the MLA of misusing his position of authority and believing he is above the law.
MLA Confronted for Ticket Violation as Viral Video Sparks Outrage
MLA Mondal was reportedly travelling with two other people, one of whom had a ticket that didn’t match. The MLA allegedly used his position to intimidate the officer when the TT questioned him about this violation, refusing to clarify or cooperate. The intent of this power play was to deny the ticket infraction, but it infuriated the other passengers.
Passengers Stand Against High-Handedness
The situation soon escalated as passengers on the train refused to stay silent. Tired of such entitled behavior, they sided with the TT, strongly opposing the MLA’s attempts to abuse his political influence. The viral video captured the confrontation, highlighting how ordinary citizens refused to tolerate blatant rule-breaking, regardless of the person’s stature.
Netizens Demand Accountability
Netizens have voiced displeasure over the MLA’s actions as the video has gone viral. The episode serves as a warning that lawbreaking by politicians is prohibited and that abuse of authority will not be tolerated. Talks about the need for accountability among public officials—especially those who believe they have the right to break the law for personal benefit—have been spurred by this widely circulated video.
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