GS Patil Viral Video: Karnataka Congress MLA GS Patil delivered a severe warning during a protest led by the Taluk Ahinda Union in a video that went viral on the internet. In an intense address, Patil warned that if Chief Minister Siddaramaiah’s powers are reduced, “the day is not far when people will storm Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s residence, just like in Bangladesh.” Patil equated possible future riots in India to those that occurred in Bangladesh.
Congress MLA GS Patil Video Goes Viral
Patil expressed his apprehensions about what he believes to be the continuous attempts by the central government, through the Governor, to undermine the Karnataka government led by the Congress. He highlighted the distinctions between Siddaramaiah’s administration, which he defined as being concentrated on the welfare of all communities within the state, and the Modi administration’s alleged disregard for the interests of capitalists at the expense of the common people.
Congress Leader GS Patil Criticises Governor’s Actions
Amidst the chargesheets against BJP and JDS officials, the MLA expressed surprise that similar actions were not done against them. He also criticised the Governor’s decision to enable the prosecution of Chief Minister Siddaramaiah based on a complaint by an activist. “We have decided to meet the President regarding this case,” Patil declared.
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