Viral Video: Interestingly, a five-year-old child from Madhya Pradesh’s Dhar district has taken matters into his own hands by complaining to the local police station about his father. The event, which has gone viral, has divided social media users and the authorities, emphasises the child’s innocence and tenacity in seeking justice for what he saw to be an unfair restriction.
Viral Video Shows 5-Year-Old Lodging Police Complaint Against Father
With a definite objective in mind, the young kid named Hassanain marched inside the Bakner police outpost. He wanted to make his father accountable for keeping him away from the road and the river. The police officers chuckled at the situation after hearing his sincere complaint. They sat him down in a chair and listened to his worries, treating the situation seriously despite their amusement. The video, originally shared by ABP News and posted on X by a user named Kavish Aziz, has since gone viral, capturing the hearts of many online.
The Innocent Plea
“Please take action against my father,” Hassanain said to the cops. He forbids me from approaching the river and the road.” The cops laughed at the simplicity of the boy’s plea, but they also recognised the depth of the boy’s emotions. The young complainant was relieved that his voice was heard when the cops promised to investigate the situation.
Father’s Perspective
However, Iqbal Khatri, Hassanain’s father, has discovered himself in the centre of this unanticipated attention. According to media reports, Iqbal has received a plethora of phone calls from people who are curious about the incident after the video went viral. He revealed that he has been unable to concentrate on his everyday responsibilities due to the constant calls. It’s interesting to note that Iqbal was out of the village on business when his son visited the police station, so he was unaware that his son was acting so strongly.
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