Viral Video: A 19-year-old teenager from Karol Bagh, Delhi, died in a heartbreaking incident when an air conditioner fell from a building’s third floor and struck him squarely in the head. The horrifying incident happened on Friday, August 17, at approximately 6:50 p.m. It has since gone viral and shocked the neighbourhood.
The youngster was tragically involved in a bizarre accident while he was talking with a buddy while sitting on a standing scooter. The two friends can be seen talking casually near the building’s door in the startling CCTV footage that later came to light. They are not aware of the impending calamity. The boy on the scooter and his companion, who was standing next to him, fell to the ground after the falling AC hit them in the head.
Scene Captured on CCTV
Not only was the accident caught on camera, but the regular activities in the vicinity were also. People can be seen strolling or going about their business at the ground floor of the building while the two boys were talking, ignorant to the impending tragedy.
The youngster, 19, collapsed instantly when the air conditioner fell from the third floor, hitting him squarely in the head. His companion, who was also injured in the collision, went down but survived, and he’s now getting medical attention.
Netizens React
As the viral video spread across social media, netizens expressed their grief and anger over the incident. One user commented, “Owner should be put behind bars. Simple.” Another remarked, “Kahi bhi kuch bhi ho sakta hai,” reflecting the disbelief and shock felt by many.
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