Viral Video: Shocking! Ghaziabad Teenager Attacked by Pitbull, Rescued by Street Dogs, Watch

Viral Video Pitbull

Viral Video: A terrifying incident in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, has gone viral after CCTV footage captured a 15-year-old boy being attacked by a pitbull. The video has sparked outrage, but also highlighted the heroism of a pack of stray dogs who came to the boy’s rescue.

Boy Fights for Life as Pitbull Attacks

Watch the viral video here:

The viral video shows the young boy, identified as Altaf, being pinned down by the pitbull on the street. Shockingly, bystanders can be seen watching the attack unfold without intervening. Despite the danger, Altaf bravely fights back, kicking and trying to ward off the aggressive dog.

Help Arrives from Unexpected Heroes

In a heartwarming turn of events, a pack of stray dogs in the vicinity rushes towards the pitbull, creating a diversion. This brave act allows Altaf to scramble to his feet and escape into a nearby house. The pitbull gives chase, but the determined strays hold it off until the boy is safely inside.

Pitbull Seized, Boy Recovers in Hospital

The local Municipal Corporation has since seized the pitbull. Thankfully, Altaf received medical attention and is currently undergoing treatment for his injuries.

Fresh Concerns About Pet Regulations

This incident has reignited concerns about pet regulations, particularly regarding aggressive breeds. In March 2024, the Indian government placed a ban on the import, sale, and breeding of 23 dog breeds deemed a threat to public safety. This attack raises questions about enforcement and responsible pet ownership.

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