MP Viral Video: A 15-year-old Dalit boy and his grandmother are shown being severely thrashed by police inside the Katni Government Railway Police (GRP) station in a chilling viral video from Madhya Pradesh that has caused outrage. A official investigation has been launched in the midst of growing criticism around the incident, which is said to have occurred in October 2023, and one officer has been suspended.
Boy and Grandmother Thrashed in Viral Video
The horrifying mistreatment by police officers is exposed in the viral video. The officer in charge of the GRP station in Jabalpur, Aruna Vagane, is shown kicking and beating Kusum Vanskar, 60, while she screams in agony in front of her grandson. The CCTV footage shows other officers kicking and thrashing the youngster viciously.
Grandmother Alleges Torture by Police Demanding Son’s Details
The old lady allegedly complained that she was beaten all night long by railway police, who were requesting details on her son Deepak Vanskar, a wanted guy with several crimes against him. She further claimed that the officers continued to attack her when she asked for water, making her suffering more worse.
Criminal Background of Boy’s Father Cited by Police
According to the police, the father of the boy, Deepak Vanskar has been linked to 19 criminal cases and has a ₹10,000 bounty on his head. The family was detained for interrogation when Officer Aruna Vagane accused them of aiding Deepak in his thefts. Deepak was eventually arrested and remains in jail.
Investigation Launched, Officer Suspended Amid Controversy
Officer Vagane was suspended, the Jabalpur Railway Police Superintendent (SRP) declared, following the outcry caused by the viral video. The Department Superintendent of Police is in charge of the investigation into the occurrence, which has been started. Katni Additional Superintendent of Police, Santosh Sehria, confirmed that a police enquiry will proceed if a formal complaint is lodged against the officers involved.
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