Viral Video: A teacher in Jalaun, Uttar Pradesh, has been accused of molesting a seventh-grade student in a startling episode that has gone viral. This unsettling state of affairs was revealed when the little girl courageously told her family about her experience, causing a major commotion at school. Serious questions concerning teacher accountability and student safety have been brought up by the incident.
Incident Details
The incident took place at a government-run junior school in the village of Babina, located in the Kadoura police station area. The 13-year-old student reported that the teacher would often take her into a classroom and engage in inappropriate behavior. According to ABP news, he would touch her inappropriately and even remove her scarf. When she resisted his advances, he allegedly resorted to physical violence against her.
A video of the incident has gone viral and was uploaded on X (formerly twitter) by a user named ‘Kavish Aziz’ with a caption stating, “Master sahab used to touch my private parts… he would even remove my dupatta… when I would protest he would beat me… In Jalaun, a teacher used to molest a class 7 girl. When the children told this to their family members, the family members and all the students reached the school and beat the teacher with slippers. The matter is related to the Girls Junior School located in Babina village of Kadaura police station area of Jalaun.”
Family’s Response
Upon learning about the teacher’s actions, the girl’s family reacted strongly. They went to the school to confront the teacher, leading to a heated scene where they expressed their anger and frustration. The family did not stop there; they proceeded to file a formal complaint with the local police, demanding action against the teacher.
Police Action and Investigation
According to ABP news, the police took immediate action and registered a case against the teacher. The Block Education Officer (BEO), Gyan Prakash, acknowledged the seriousness of the allegations and confirmed that an investigation is currently underway. He stated that if the claims of molestation are proven true, appropriate disciplinary measures will be taken against the teacher, and a report will be submitted to the Basic Shiksha Adhikari (BSA).
Community Reaction
Many in the community have expressed their dismay about the occurrence and their concerns for the protection of children in schools. Stricter regulations are being demanded by parents and guardians to make sure that such occurrences don’t happen again. Because of how widely shared this tragedy was, more oversight and protection are required in educational institutions.
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