Viral Video: Social media users have been outraged by a video that went viral showing SP Leader Amarnath Singh Maurya threatening a Municipal Corporation team while holding a rifle. The event happened at Pritam Nagar, close to Vivekananda Park, when a municipal crew was using a JCB machine to clean up the area. The municipal team withdrew from the area when Maurya arrived on the scene with a rifle.
Municipal Team Forced to Leave
Amarnath Maurya is seen in the video, which was uploaded by Nishant Sharma (Bhardwaj), approaching the park while holding a rifle. Several individuals were present, and the scene became tense when the municipal officials and security personnel withdrew in the face of Maurya’s show of force. The municipal team, which was tasked with cleaning the area, reportedly left with the JCB machine, halting their operation.
Land Dispute and Municipal Action
According to reports, the Municipal Corporation has been accused by the Tikait section of the Bhartiya Kisan Union with unlawfully occupying Vivekananda Park. When the union gave the municipal commissioner an ultimatum to leave the land, the conflict intensified. In response, a municipal team showed up to clean the park as the Ganesh Festival was scheduled to start on September 8.
On the other hand, Amarnath Maurya asserted that the land was registered in his name and claimed possession of it. He accused the municipal team of forcibly demolishing his boundary walls and removing construction materials from his property. Maurya defended his conduct by saying that he grabbed the rifle to save his possessions and that it was a legally permitted weapon that was only used for self-defence. His response was based on his claim that the local authority was trying to take his land illegally.
Public Outcry and Demand for Action
Public outcry over the video has been intense, with many demanding immediate action against the SP leader and numerous people asking if he is above the law. Singh’s request for a probe into the situation was backed by the Bhartiya Kisan Union (Tikait faction), which has been at conflict with the local authority over the park.
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