Yuvraj Singh Viral Video: Social media is abuzz with controversy after Yograj Singh, the father of legendary cricketer Yuvraj Singh, made some explosive remarks about former Indian captains MS Dhoni and Kapil Dev. As his statements sparked widespread debate, an old video of Yuvraj Singh from a podcast has resurfaced, capturing the attention of netizens with his candid comments on his father’s mental health.
Yuvraj Singh Discusses His Father’s Mental Health on The Ranveer Show
In a recently resurfaced video clip from The Ranveer Show podcast, Yuvraj Singh, the former Indian cricketer, opened up about his relationship with his father, Yograj Singh, and expressed concern about his father’s mental health. During the candid conversation, Yuvraj stated, “I feel my father has a mental issue, and he just doesn’t want to accept it. I believe there is something he needs to address. Unlike him, I accept that I need therapy, but he doesn’t see that for himself.”
Yograj Singh’s Remarks on MS Dhoni and Kapil Dev
Yograj Singh, a former Indian cricketer himself, went on a tirade against MS Dhoni and Kapil Dev in a separate interview on the Zee Switch podcast. He passionately criticised MS Dhoni, saying, “I will not forgive MS Dhoni. That man should look at himself in the mirror. I admit that he is a massive cricketer, but what he has done with my son, all of which is coming out now, can never be forgiven. That man has destroyed my son’s life, who could have played for 4-5 years longer.”
Yograj did not stop there; he also directed his frustration towards Kapil Dev, one of India’s most celebrated cricket captains. He stated, “The greatest captain of our time, Kapil Dev… I told him, I’ll leave you in a position where the world would spit on you. Today, Yuvraj Singh has 13 trophies, and you have only one, the World Cup. End of discussion.”
Netizens React
The resurfacing of Yuvraj Singh’s video and his father’s controversial statements have fueled a heated discussion on social media. While some netizens sympathise with Yuvraj’s take on his father, others are shocked by Yograj’s harsh words towards Dhoni and Kapil Dev. Taking to comment section, one user commented, “Finally, bro spits the truth,” while another asked, “Is it real??” A third user chimed in, “I don’t think he meant it like that.”
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