10 AI Apps to Turn You Into A Superhuman

Author: Subhi Saxena  Date: 29/05/24

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1. Socratic by Google

This app is for students. It contains step-by-step explanations on various topics. 

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2. Bing Chat

Bing Chat is another amazing that can help you with finding the right images, giving access to Chatgpt 4 and many more. 

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3. Perplexity

This app is a great replacement for Google. It provides detailed explanations on various topics and also works with Voice inputs. 

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4. Chatgpt App

Chatgpt is used by everyone these days, the app of this website is also amazing, it provides answers of all the questions and provide creative ideas. 

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5. Otter AI

Otter AI is an interesting app. One can use this app to record voice and make notes out of it. It is a transcription app. 

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6. Starry AI

It is an AI art generator app. You write the text and this app creates the images. It is a useful app.

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7. Wondera

It is an AI music app. It makes your voice into something else to sing any song perfectly. Useful app for music lovers. 

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8. Youper AI

Youper AI app is built for you. It reads your mental health and tries to help you calm your anxiety and issues. 

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9. Character AI

Chat with AI to get any kind of answers on any topic. This AI app hears you and understands you. 

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10. Be My Eyes

Be My Eyes is an app used by blind individuals worldwide for visual descriptions; it is available in multiple languages.

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