10 Least Depressed Countries in the World, check India's Position

Author: Subhi Saxena  Date: 18/05/24

Credit: Google and IHME

Depression Rate

Depression is increasing rapidly these days. Around 280 million people of all ages are affected by it. In this report by IHME, the depression rate is calculated by the percentage of the population affected per country. 

Credit: Google and IHME

10. Japan 

Japan is currently the 10th least depressed country. The country has a population of 125.12 million and the depression rate of the country is 2.66%. 

Credit: Google and IHME

9. Niger

African country Niger is ninth least depression affected country according to IHME, this country has depression rate of 2.65% and a population of 26.21 million. 

Credit: Google and IHME

8. South Korea

Asian country, South Korea is the country with a population of 51.63 million. 2.64% is the depression rate of the country.  

Credit: Google and IHME


Southeast Asian country, Indonesia is the 7th least depressed country. The country's population is 275.50 million and depression rate is 2.63%.

Credit: Google and IHME

6. Mali

With 2.46% depression rate, Mali is the 6th least depressed country in the world. The population of the country is 22.59 million. 

Credit: Google and IHME

5. Singapore

The country Singapore is the fifth least depressed. They have a population of 5.9 million approx. The depression percentage is 2.45%.

Credit: Google and IHME

4. East Timor

East Timor is the country located in Southeast Asia. It has a population of 1.34 million. The depression rate here is 2.41%.

Credit: Google and IHME

3. Peru

In Peru the depression rate is 2.41%. The population of the country is 34.05 million. It is a South American country. 

Credit: Google and IHME

2. Myanmar

Second least depressed country in the world is Myanmar. Their population is 54.15 million and the depression rate is 2.28%. 

Credit: Google and IHME

1. Brunei

The country with the least depression rate is Brunei, 1.83%. This country has a population of 449K, and it is located in Southeast Asia. 

Credit: Google and IHME


With 3.69% of depression rate, India stands at the 104th position of the depressed countries. The population of the country is 1.42 billion. 

Credit: Google and IHME

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