Food Items You Must Avoid With Tea

Author: Subhi Saxena  Date: 15/04/24

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Indians love tea and love to have something with it. There are a lot of food items that people like to eat with tea.

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Here is a list of five food items that you should not pair up with tea.

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Green Vegetables

Green Vegetables are considered to be very useful for the body but they contain iron and tea contains tannins which restrain the absorption of iron in the body.

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Fruit Salad

Eating Fruits with Tea can cause the problem of Acidity.

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Lemon Juice

Lemon Juice should not be taken alongside Tea because it is acidic and can increase acid levels in the digestive system.

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One should not add Turmeric to Tea, it can cause gastric issues including Constipation.

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Tea and curd are opposite in nature, Tea is hot while curd has a cooling effect. Hence, they should not be eaten together.

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These are the food items that one should avoid and not eat along with tea.

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