All about skin-rotting ‘zombie drug’ that has hit many US cities

A “zombie virus” Conspiracy was raised last year when viral video surfaced of Americans acting strangely and being unable to stand in US cities. Contrary to what many believed, it turned to be drugs.

About the drug

The new dangerous chemical in town is xylazine, sometimes known as “tranq,” “tranq dope,” and “zombie drug.” The usage of the drug is marked by sedative-like symptoms, such as excessive sleepiness and respiratory depression, which lead to recordings of persons who are unable to stand. Even more troubling are the dosage increased “zombie-like” side effects.

When exposed repeatedly, the drug can leave the consumers skin with open wounds that can spread quickly. Eschar, a type of dead skin that develops from ulcers, can lead to amputation if left untreated.

In the start, heroin was cut with the non-opioid substance. And thereafter, it grew to include Fentanyl, a deadly substance that may be deadly in even little doses.

The “zombie drug’s” major downside is there are very few odds of survival if you overdose. Xylazine is fatal because people do not react to naloxone, also known as Narcan, the drug most frequently used to reverse an overdose.

First found in Philadelphia

Philadelphia is where xylazine was first found, and San Francisco and Los Angeles followed shortly after. The potential for overdosing in situations when the zombie drug has gotten into other substances is a significant problem as well.

Customers of illegal drugs are not happy. According to the New York Post, many who have used the “zombie drug” have said that it has removed “any kind of joy” connected with using cannabis.

“I’d wake up in the morning crying because my arms were dying,” Tracey McCann, who developed wounds near her opioid injection sites, told the New York Times.

“Tranq is zombifying people’s bodies,” another user told Sky News. “Until nine months ago, I never had wounds. Now, there are holes in my legs and feet.”

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