China defends rights violation on Uygur Muslims

India did not vote in the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) on the discussion on human rights in the Xinjiang region of China. After this, no official statement has come from China on this move of India. However, India had said in a statement that the human rights of the people living in the Xinjiang region should be protected.

After this statement, China has clarified. China has defended its action against Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang, saying it is working towards the goal of stopping terrorism and separatism.

China’s remarks came after India’s absence from voting on the Xinjiang issue at the UNHRC in Geneva on Thursday. It is noteworthy that on Friday, India appealed for the first time to respect and guarantee the rights of the people of this autonomous region.

China’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said, “I have seen the relevant news and want to emphasize that the issues related to Xinjiang are not related to human rights, but to counter-terrorism.” He said this in response to a question about his Indian counterpart Arindam Bagchi’s comments.

“Due to strong efforts, there have been no violent terrorist incidents in Xinjiang for five consecutive years,” Mao told in a news conference.

However, they remained silent when asked their reaction on India’s absence from voting at the UNHRC. A resolution was brought in the top human rights body of the United Nations to discuss the human rights situation in Xinjiang. Mao claimed that the voting showed that truth will always win.

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