Elon Musk Warns of World War 3 Risks Due to Evolving Russia-China Alliance

In a recent Twitter Space discussion hosted by David Sacks, Elon Musk expressed serious concerns about the potential for a global conflict, emphasizing that the United States is at risk of inadvertently stumbling into World War 3. He underscored the importance of US foreign policy in preventing regional disputes from escalating into a worldwide crisis.

Developing relationship between Russia and China

Musk’s primary worry was the developing relationship between Russia and China, which he believes could pose a significant challenge to the United States. He called for a change in US foreign policy, urging the nation to work towards maintaining peaceful relations with Ukraine and resuming normal relations with Russia.

During the discussion, Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy proposed a strategy involving territorial concessions by Ukraine in exchange for Russia reducing its collaboration with China on military matters. Musk seemed to support this idea, suggesting that Ukraine’s current borders could be established as a permanent demarcation to avoid further conflict.

Musk’s previous involvement in providing Starlink internet service to Ukraine

The article also highlighted Musk’s previous involvement in providing Starlink internet service to Ukraine during the conflict with Russia, indicating his shift from initially declining to support Ukraine’s use of Starlink for military purposes to ultimately assisting the country with internet access.

It’s worth noting that Elon Musk’s evolving stance on this matter even drew praise from Russian President Vladimir Putin.

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