Hindu priests charging more money to conduct funeral of covid-19 patients in South Africa: Reports

A bizzare incident took place in South Africa, as per the report some Hindu preists have been accused of charging high rates to conduct funerals of Covid-19 victims.
Pradeep Ramlall, Manager of the Clare Esate Crematorium in Durban, crtisized the preists who are doing this. Ramlall is also a member of the Hindu Dharma Association of South Africa said that the organsation has recieved many complaints from the families of people who passed due to Covid.

The situation in South Africa getting more tricky as the new variant of Covid-19 virus is spreading there and as the death toll is increasing the crematorium has to be done in double shifts.

“Priests are charging between R1,200 and R2,000 to conduct a funeral. This is not right. As per our scriptures, this is our seva (service) to the community. If a family wants to give a priest a donation, then that is acceptable but priests should not be charging people,” Ramlall told the Weekly Post.

“I was in my vehicle. The priest had conducted a Covid-19 victim’s funeral. While he was in the parking lot, he removed R100 notes from his pocket and counted it before sanitising each note and putting the money back into his pocket,” he said recounting an incident that he had personally witnessed.

Ramlall addressed the community to avoid being exploited under the current circumstances and requested them to conduct the cremation themselves.

“We have pre-recorded videos that they can use. If they insist on having a priest, then the priest can conduct the funeral through Zoom or through a WhatsApp video call. We need to embrace technology,” Ramlall said.

For the last two months, Covid-19 infections and deaths have been rising exponentially in South Africa.

On Thursday alone, there were 647 deaths and over 11,000 more infections reported, bringing the total deaths to 39,501 and infections to 1.38 million since the first case was reported in March last year.

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