India Maintains Diplomatic Balance, Abstains from UN’s Israel Truce Resolution that Avoids Hamas Reference

India refrained from voting on a United Nations resolution calling for an urgent humanitarian cease-fire in the ongoing Israel-Hamas war on Friday. Jordan’s resolution also called for unrestricted humanitarian access in Gaza but made no mention of Hamas. Canada proposed including a line criticizing the “terrorist attacks by Hamas.” Along with 87 other countries, India supported Canada’s proposed change. However, it could not be passed since it lacked a two-thirds majority.

The Jordan-drafted resolution titled ‘Protection of civilians and maintaining legal and humanitarian commitments’ was accepted with 120 states voting in favour, 14 against, and 45 abstentions. India, Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom did not vote.

Two keywords are missing: US

Before the vote, US Ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield stated that the resolution lacked two critical words: Hamas and captive. The envoy said, “As you’ll notice, two keywords are missing in the resolution before us. The first is Hamas. It is outrageous that this resolution fails to name the perpetrators of the October 7th terrorist attacks: Hamas. Hamas. It is outrageous.”

Linda said, “This resolution makes no mention of the innocent people – including citizens of many of you in this room – many of you here today who have citizens who are being held hostage by Hamas and other terrorist groups. These are omissions of evil. And they give cover to, and they empower Hamas’ brutality. And no member state – no member state – should allow that to happen. You should not let it stand.”

UN accused Israel of occupying power

Israel was referred to as “the occupying Power” in the resolution. The resolution demanded that Israel, the “occupying Power,” reverse its order for Palestinian inhabitants, UN personnel, and humanitarian workers to vacate all parts of the Gaza Strip north of Wadi Gaza and migrate to the south.

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