Kevin McCarthy elected as US 55th Speaker after lot of initial hiccups

Kevin McCarthy finally wins US Speaker vote after tensions overflow in Congress. The Speaker is one of the most powerful positions in US politics and without one, Congress cannot function. A record number of failed votes marked the highest number of rounds since 1859. McCarthy finally won in the 15th round to become the 55th Speaker of the United States Congress.

McCarthy, who now becomes second in line for the presidency, clinched victory following the longest speakership election in 160 years as the establishment Republicans took 15 rounds of voting over a span of four days to fend off a right-wing, anti-McCarthy rebellion.

McCarthy’s party had taken control of the House – the US lower chamber – following the midterm elections in the autumn, with a slim 222-212 majority.

Usually, the election of the Speaker follows seamlessly, as a formality, with the leader of the largest party assigned with the job.

McCarthy’s republicans deserted him

However, recent splits in the Republican Party meant that did not happen until the 15th round of voting. In the 14th ballot, McCarthy received 216 votes – one less needed for a victory – as a small faction of right-wing hardliners abstained from voting.

He finally won, in the 15th round, on a margin of 216-211. His election came two years after the deadly Jan. 6, 2021, attack at the Capitol – a day when McCarthy, his top deputies and 19 of the 20 holdouts he negotiated with to win all voted to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.

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On 6th Jan 2020 Capitol Hill attack – McCarthy implored Trump to call off his violent supporters

On that day two years ago, McCarthy reportedly called former President Donald Trump, imploring him to call off his supporters who were ransacking the Capitol. Today – and all week – McCarthy was begging for votes from some of Trump’s biggest supporters. That includes Rep. Matt Gaetz, who once nominated and voted for Trump as House speaker.

It has been a gruelling week of negotiations. This is the first time the process of electing a speaker took more than one round in more than 100 years.

Latest developments: 

US President Joe Biden congratulated him on his success and said he is “prepared to work with Republicans” when he can.

However, the Republican Party is now likely to turn the fight on the President and the Democrats, with McCarthy promising decree and investigations.

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