Mike Pompeo arrives in UK to discuss about China

Mike Pompeo arrives in UK to discuss about China and 5G network and Brexit.

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On Monday US Secretary of state Mike pompeo arrived in United Kingdom.

Mike arrived in UK to discuss about China, 5G and a Brexit free business deal with Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Mike is expected to discuss China with the Prime Minister in a Downing Street summit and he will also meet with Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab.

The Foreign Secretary warned: “There remains considerable uncertainty about the way in which the new national security law will be enforced. I would just say this: the UK is watching and the whole world is watching.”

But, outlining his announcement, Mr Raab was keen to stress that “we want to work with China”

“While in London, Secretary Pompeo will meet with Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab to discuss global priorities, including the Covid-19 economic recovery plans, issues related to the People’s Republic of China (P.R.C.) and Hong Kong, and the US-UK Free Trade Agreement negotiations,” the State Department said ahead of his visit.