Tit for Tat! Apple asked to remove Whatsapp and Threads from App Store in China amid US Preparing to Ban Tik Tok

Whatsapp Ban

China and the US are locked in a tech tussle, with each nation flexing muscle over popular apps. In a tit-for-tat move, Apple has yanked Whatsapp and Threads, two social media apps owned by Facebook’s parent company Meta, from its App Store in China. This means iPhone users in China, a massive smartphone market, can no longer download these popular messaging platforms.

Why did Apple remove the Apps?

The Chinese government’s internet watchdog, the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC), ordered Apple to remove the apps citing national security concerns. While Apple hasn’t revealed the specifics of these concerns, they did confirm in a statement that they are required to follow local laws “even when we disagree.”

Timing is Everything

This app takedown coincides with rising tensions between the US and China over technology and national security. The US Congress is considering a bill that could potentially ban the hugely popular Chinese short video app TikTok unless it’s sold to a non-Chinese owner. Both countries are using national security concerns as reasons for their actions against foreign apps.

China Tightens Grip on the Internet

The removal of Whatsapp and Threads is part of a larger trend in China. The CAC has been tightening its control over internet usage within the country. Recently, they implemented a rule requiring all apps operating in China to register with the government. This is expected to lead to the removal of many more foreign apps from Chinese app stores.

Whatsapp and Threads

Whatsapp, boasting over 2 billion users globally, and Threads, which shot to popularity after its launch, were among the very few foreign social media apps still accessible to Chinese users through domestic app stores. This loophole for iPhone users in China has now been firmly shut.

Apple’s China Struggles

Apple has been facing challenges in the Chinese market in recent years. Iphone sales have dipped due to strong competition from homegrown Chinese brands. There have also been restrictions on government employees using Apple devices. The company is working on diversifying its production base by exploring options in India, Vietnam, and Indonesia to reduce reliance on China.

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