Violence erupts again in Sudan’s Khartoum after 24-hour ceasefire

Violence erupts again in Sudan’s Khartoum

Violence erupts again in Sudan’s Khartoum

Khartoum: Eyewitnesses have reported renewed violence in Khartoum after a 24-hour ceasefire. The warring parties are the Sudanese Army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces.
Residents said that Monday’s violence was the heaviest in recent weeks and involved gunbattle and airstrikes.
After the ceasefire expired at 6 a.m. (local time), fresh fighting erupted between the rival factions in Bahri, Khartoum and Omdurman. These three neighbourhoods make up the Greater Khartoum area in Sudan.
Fighting has also spread along the Nile in Bahri up to the strategic Halfiya Bridge. This bridge connects Omdurman to the rest of the capital region.
The 24-hour ceasefire was brokered by international agencies to provide humanitarian assistance to people in Sudan.
Both factions had resumed their fighting on 15 April this year. They were dissatisfied with the timetable for creating a transitional government in Sudan.

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Humanitarian Crisis

The civil war in Sudan has killed thousands and displaced 1.9 million people. This has triggered a humanitarian crisis across one of the world’s most volatile regions.
While fighting is largely concentrated in Khartoum, it has also spread over to Darfur in western Sudan. Darfur is already facing a violent conflict since early 2000.
According to sources, there have been new waves of attacks on civilians along the Chad border. These attacks were mounted by Arab nomads who are aligned with the Rapid Support Forces (RSF).
The Darfur Bar Association says many doctors, lawyers and human rights activists have been killed in these attacks.

Widespread looting

Kordofan has also witnessed several instances of looting. This province is between Khartoum and Darfur and is an important agricultural area.
One Kordofan resident, Mohammad Salman told Reuters he saw RSF fighters spread out on the roads between villages. “They are looting, and there are gangs looting everywhere. Moving from place to place became dangerous,” Salman said on the phone.

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