Covid Update: 13,091 new COVID-19 cases reported in last 24 hours

In the last 24 hours, 13,091 new cases of corona (Covid-19) have been reported in the country. The recovery rate is 98.25 percent, which is the highest since March 2020. In the last 24 hours, 13,878 people were cured of corona, with which the number of people recovering from corona has increased to 3,38,00,925. The number of active cases in India is 1,38,556, which is the lowest in the last 266 days. The daily positivity rate is 1.10% which is down from 2 percent for the last 38 days. The weekly positivity rate is 1.18%, which is below 2 percent for the last 48 days.

On Wednesday, 328 new cases of corona virus infection have been reported in Karnataka and nine more people have been confirmed dead due to infection. So far, a total of 29,90,856 people have been confirmed infected in the state and 38,131 people have died due to infection.

Also Read – 16 New Zika infected have been reported in Kanpur

54 new cases of corona virus infection were reported in Delhi on Wednesday, while no new case of death due to infection was registered. At the same time, the infection rate was 0.09 percent. This information was given in the data shared by the Health Department.

According to the news agency language, with the arrival of 387 new cases of Covid-19 in Odisha on Wednesday, the total number of people infected with the corona virus in the state has gone up to 10,44,428. At the same time, with the death of four more patients recorded during the last 24 hours, the total number of people who lost their lives due to the epidemic in Odisha has increased to 8,368. This information was given in the health bulletin issued here.

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