Traffic Rules in India: Want To Avoid Challans? Follow These 5 Key Tips To Stay Clear Of Penalties

Traffic Rules in India

Traffic Rules in India: Being careful and focused while driving is one of the crucial characteristics of responsible citizens of the country. Even slight negligence can lead to unpleasant results. If you are caught violating traffic rules and regulations by a policeman, then, undoubtedly, this can lead to some serious problems. Whether you are an experienced driver or an amateur, you are bound to make mistakes if you don know what dos and don’ts while driving. Here in this article, we are going to share some important tips, which will help you to enjoy a comfortable and hurdle-free journey.

Rules To Be Followed To Ensure A Safe & Hurdle-Free Journey

Stop Using Phones During Driving

This is one of the crucial tips or rules you need to adhere to every time you go out in your vehicle. It is important not only for you but also for your family’s safety. Another person walking or driving on the road can also hope to look forward to a safe journey. In case you have an urgent or important call to attend, then, stop your car o vehicle on the side of the road for a while and then, pick up or make that call.

Drive On The Left Side Of The Road

The next thing you need to keep in your head while driving is to drive on the left side of the road and let other vehicles pass on your right side.

Keep Your Papers Ready

If you are driving without your vehicle’s paper, then, you can be issued a challan by a traffic policeman. Ensure to have all important papers such as your driving license, Insurance, RC, and PUC of your car or bike.

You Are Not Supposed To Over Speed

If you over speed your car, then, it can be dangerous for you and the other person driving on the road. If you are doing so, you are violating one of the important traffic rules. So, ensure that you stop doing that and follow the rules.

Find A Proper Place To Park Your Car

Park your car or bike properly and at the right place. A challan can be issued if you have parked in a prohibited area.

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