The Justice Hema Committee Report’s publishing has caused havoc in the Malayalam cinema industry. Every day, the report has unearthed startling new information that implicates multiple well-known personalities. Among them, filmmaker Ranjith faces severe legal trouble with a non-bailable case filed against him. A shadow has been cast on numerous well-known figures by the incident. Here’s a thorough examination of the most recent developments.
Allegations Against Ranjith
A number of actresses have come forward with allegations of sexual harassment in response to the Hema Committee Report. Filmmaker Ranjith has come under fire from Bengali actress Sreelekha Mitra for allegedly trying to improperly touch her. In response to her complaint, Ranjith has been charged with a non-bailable offence, and a SIT has been assigned to look into the situation. According to Mitra, the harassment took place in 2009.
Accusations by Minu Muneer
Recently, actress Minu Muneer spoke out against Mukesh, Maniyanpilla Raju, Jayasurya, and Idavela Babu. She alleged that in 2013, on a film set, she was subjected to both physical and verbal abuse. Munir revealed that Jayasurya forcibly hugged her and attempted to kiss her while she was exiting the restroom.
Revathi Sampath’s Allegations
Actress Revathy Sampath accused actor Siddique of sexual harassment. In the wake of her allegations, the General Secretary of the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA) resigned from his position.
Serious Claims by Junior Artist
Actor Baburaj is accused by a young Malayalam film artist of trying to assault him in 2019 at Baburaj’s Kerala residence. Baburaj resigned as the general secretary of AMMA in response to these accusations.
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