Uorfi Javed, known for her unique fashion sense and frequent trolling, is now the star of the new series ‘Follow Kar Lo Yaar,’ available on Prime Video. The actress is actively promoting the series in her distinctive style, creating buzz with her latest Instagram video.
Uorfi’s Creative Promotional Stunt
Uorfi displays her creativity in her most recent promotion video, which has a dummy wearing trousers and a coat. When she walks into a room, people are surprised to see that she is carrying the dummy around on her shoulder. She captioned the video, “Man took #FollowKarLoYaar very very seriously, Watch the Show ok @primevideoin.” Uorfi’s sisters Urusa and Asfi are shocked by her unusual appearance. Uorfi asks everyone to “Follow Kar Lo Yaar,” jokingly remarking that the dummy has “followed a bit too much.” Many people have taken notice of this light-hearted outlook, and the video is rapidly going viral on social media.
Public Reactions to Uorfi’s Latest Post
Just moments after Uorfi posted the video on Instagram, it garnered thousands of likes. However, the response has been mixed, with some users criticising her outfit and others making remarks about the dummy. One user commented, “ye toh sar pe hi chadh gaya.” Another said, “If Vikram Betal was airing on Fashion TV.” A third user wrote, “Can someone please tell me what the heck is going on here aka what is she trying to say.” Despite the varied reactions, Uorfi’s creative promotion continues to make waves online.
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