Deepika Padukone Pregnancy Photoshoot: Among Bollywood celebrities, pregnancy photoshoots have grown extremely popular. Although Deepika Padukone‘s most recent pregnancy photoshoot is the buzz of the town, Kareena Kapoor started this trend. Every time one of her gorgeous photos is released, fans eagerly anticipate it. Without a doubt, Deepika’s pregnancy photoshoot is generating excitement, and her distinct style is turning on a lot of people. In the shoot, Ranveer Singh also makes a cameo. Some people think Kareena Kapoor and Rihanna served as inspiration for Deepika’s pregnancy photoshoot. Let’s investigate further about this.
Deepika Padukone’s Black and White Photoshoot
Looking at Deepika Padukone’s pregnancy photoshoot, you might recall Rihanna’s baby bump pictures and Kareena Kapoor’s maternity photoshoot. Just a few weeks before giving birth, Deepika has shared stunning black-and-white photos flaunting her baby bump, which have been met with much love and affection from her fans. Similarly, Kareena Kapoor’s pregnancy photoshoot also garnered significant attention and admiration from the public.
What’s Special About Kareena Kapoor’s Photoshoot
In her photoshoot, Kareena Kapoor showcased her baby bump in a unique style, which Deepika Padukone has also embraced in her recent shoot. Fans showered Kareena with a great deal of love and praise for her distinctive and elegant approach to maternity fashion.
Rihanna’s Pregnancy Photoshoot
Rihanna shared a tonne of pictures online showing off her pregnancy in a range of looks and styles. Among these, a specific picture with a net shrug has prompted people to make analogies to Deepika Padukone’s pregnancy photo shoot. Even though Rihanna wore a variety of outfits, the net shrug picture highlights the parallels between Deepika’s recent black-and-white photo shoot and Rihanna’s pregnant style.
When Are Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh Expecting Their Baby?
Regarding Deepika Padukone’s pregnancy, she had announced that her baby is expected to arrive in September. Recent reports suggest that Deepika and Ranveer’s baby is likely to be born on September 28. Fans are eagerly awaiting this special day.
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