Health Tips: Why does itching happen and How to treat it? Details Inside

Health Tips

Health Tips: Stress is an important part of life and after trying for a long time you can’t run from stress because every moment or thing that comes in your life gives you stress. Be it low or high, stress always irritates every human. It affects humans in different ways. For some people, the effects of stress manifest physically, going beyond heart palpitations and insomnia. Skin disorders brought on by stress, such as hives and itching, can be emotionally and physically draining.

To understand why some people get hives and have constant itching when under strain, let’s examine the relationship between stress and skin reactions.

Why do we get stress rashes?

Senior dermatologist Dr. Kuna Ramdas of Kamineni Hospitals clarified that stress can cause the body to emit several chemicals and hormones, including cortisol and adrenaline. “These physiological responses can affect the immune system and other bodily functions, which can sometimes result in skin reactions like stress rashes or hives.”

He went on to say that stress-related skin disorders are frequently associated with the body’s “fight or flight” reaction, in which the body releases chemicals that might affect the skin to prepare for a perceived threat.

Manipal Hospital dermatologist and consultant in cosmetics, Dr Ritika Shanmugam, pointed out that urticaria is an autoimmune disease in which the body targets its immunity, causing breakouts or hives in certain individuals. It may be acute, lasting six weeks, or it may develop into a chronic illness.

How to treat them?

Dr. Shanmugam added that in severe situations, emergency first aid can include relaxing the skin with cold compresses and using oral antihistamines to reduce the symptoms for a set period. When symptoms are severe, an oral steroid is administered to manage the condition. She continued by saying that oral antihistamines must be continued in chronic stress rash patients to prevent symptoms. Dr Ramdas advised using methods like deep breathing, meditation, and exercise to address underlying stress to effectively treat stress rashes over the long run.

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