Sadhguru Tips: Jaggi Vasudev Weighs in on the meaning behind Jesus Christ’s ‘Love Thy Neighbor’ phrase; WATCH

Sadhguru Tips

Sadhguru Tips

Sadhguru Tips: The spiritual guru Jaggi Vasudev always addresses something useful and gives solutions to several problems with his wisdom and teachings. We all have heard the phrase ‘Love Thy Neighbor’ given by Jesus Christ but most of the people didn’t know the real meaning behind this phrase. In the most recent interaction, he defined the real meaning of this phrase with the help of several examples. The video of Sadhguru defining the meaning of ‘Love Thy Neighbor’ is going viral online and garnering attention. Scroll down to know what the spiritual guru said during the interaction.

Sadhguru defines the real meaning of ‘Love Thy Neighbor’

The spiritual guru said in the video, “If Jesus had said, ‘Love somebody who is on the other side of the planet,’ they would have loved them. He is telling you the most difficult thing to do, ‘Love Thy Neighbor.’ ‘Love Thy Neighbor’ is not easy. It needs transformation, isn’t it? Something about you has to change to love your neighbor. Neighbor doesn’t mean somebody who lives next door. This moment, whoever is next to you, if you learn to love him, you will become loving by your own nature, isn’t it? Yes?”

He added, “Loving means what? On the level of the emotion, a certain level of inclusiveness, isn’t it? The intellect is always seeking exclusivity. People are encouraging you to be exclusive, heavily invested in individualism. Isn’t it? ‘I am like this only, this is my way.’ That is not the nature of the existence. Nature of the existence is not one over the other, one inside the other. The nature of existence is inclusiveness.”

Jaggi Vasudev weighs on the importance of Solar Energy

He said that a true yogi knows that the sun is the world’s most potent force. Not only do we humans receive energy from the sun, but also plants, animals, insects, and the earth as a whole. Consequently, it is important to use the sun’s power wisely. As a result, it is up to us how we channel this sun’s energy to revitalize our inner selves.

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