
Sadhguru Tips: Want to Start Your Day Energetically? The Spiritual Guru Suggests THIS Breakfast; Check Out Here

Nikshey Dhiman
New Update
Sadhguru Tips

Sadhguru Tips: Among the most powerful spiritual leaders in the world, Sadhguru has attracted followers from all over the globe. Many people have put his teachings into practice since they greatly benefited from his insight. More often than not, the spiritual guide talks about his childhood memories and the events that shaped the man he is now. In addition, he offers advice on how to make people happy and healthy in their lives.


Sadhguru Talks About Energetic Breakfast

The spiritual guru always shares important tips for people so that they can live a happy and healthy life. He talks with a lot of people about it and inspires his devotees by telling a lot of things to them. In the recently viral video, the spiritual guru was seen talking with curly tales and he revealed the components of breakfast to start an energetic day.

What You Should Eat to be Energetic?

Yoga is the way of life for Sadhguru. In addition, he pays close attention to his eating patterns. He gets enough of nutrition from his breakfast bowl, which keeps him going throughout the day. Sprouting green grams, soaked almonds, neem leaves, turmeric balls, and sprouted groundnuts are typically found in his meal.

According to Sadhguru, organically grown groundnuts are high in protein and enzymes, both of which are essential. At one point, Sadhguru disclosed, he lived for months on nothing but groundnuts and bananas.

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Sadhguru tips
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