
Struggling with Hair Fall? Expert Reveals 5 Blood Tests That Can Help You Find the Root Cause and Address the Issue

Hair fall can be frustrating. Expert Dr. Hadiya shares 5 important blood tests—like thyroid and vitamin levels—that can help you identify the root cause of hair loss.

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Hair Fall

Hair Fall Photograph: (Freepik)

Hair fall has become a serious issue nowadays, especially among people in their 30s, regardless of gender. Despite using expensive products, many people still see no improvement. If you're facing this problem, don’t worry! To solve any issue, the first step is to find its root cause. Unfortunately, not many people are aware of the crucial blood tests that can help uncover the cause of their hair fall. Dr. Hadiya, a specialist in skin and hair care, has shared important tests that anyone experiencing hair loss should undergo to determine the proper treatment and the next steps in stopping hair loss.


5 Essential Blood Tests to Identify the Root Cause of Hair Fall

According to expert Dr. Hadiya, here are five important blood tests that individuals struggling with continuous hair fall should undergo.

Thyroid Test

A thyroid imbalance can contribute to significant hair loss. Testing your thyroid function is crucial in diagnosing the cause of hair fall.

Ferritin Level

Low ferritin levels, which indicate a lack of iron in the body, can be a major factor in hair loss. A ferritin level test can help determine whether an iron deficiency is affecting your hair health.

Calcium Level

An imbalance in calcium levels can also lead to hair loss. Testing calcium levels can provide valuable insights into the health of your hair.

Vitamin B12 Level

A deficiency in Vitamin B12 can contribute to thinning hair and hair loss. Testing your Vitamin B12 level is essential to ensure it’s not the underlying cause of your hair fall.

Vitamin D3 Level

Vitamin D3 plays a vital role in hair follicle function. A deficiency in Vitamin D3 can lead to excessive hair shedding, making this test essential for determining the cause of your hair loss.

How These Blood Tests Help in Stopping Hair Loss

These tests can be instrumental in identifying the root cause of your hair fall, which is the first crucial step in addressing the problem. By understanding the underlying issue, you can begin the proper treatment to stop hair loss and improve your overall hair health.

Dr. Hadiya further emphasises, "Hair fall can be due to various reasons. If you are tired of changing hair care products and still can't stop the hair fall, then consult a professional to evaluate your concern."

Convenience of Getting Hair Fall Tests Done

The tests mentioned above can be performed by visiting a local hospital, or in today’s digital age, you can book home sample tests. This allows you to get the necessary blood tests done without even leaving your home. After receiving the test reports, you can consult a dermatologist to analyse the results and recommend the right treatment plan tailored to your condition.

By undergoing these essential blood tests, you can take the first step toward finding the real cause of your hair fall and begin the right treatment plan.

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