India Canada Relation: India Summons Canadian Deputy High Commissioner Over ‘Khalistan’ Slogans

India Canada Row

India Canada Relation: On Monday, summoned the Canadian Deputy High Commissioner to express deep concern and strong protest over the raising of separatist slogans related to ‘Khalistan’ at an event addressed by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The Indian government underscored that such actions impact the relations between the two countries and encourage a “climate of violence.”

India Summons Canadian Deputy High Commissioner Over ‘Khalistan’ Slogans

In a statement issued by the Ministry of External Affairs, India conveyed its distress at the disturbing actions allowed to continue unchecked at the event. The statement highlighted the political space given in Canada to separatism, extremism, and violence, emphasizing the adverse impact on India-Canada relations and the encouragement of a climate of violence and criminality in Canada.

The statement highlighted the political space given in Canada to separatism

Videos released by Canada-based CPAC TV showed chants of ‘Khalistan Zindabad’ escalating as PM Trudeau and other political leaders addressed the gathering to mark Khalsa Day. The chants persisted even as Opposition leader Pierre Poilievre and other dignitaries took the stage.

The event, which drew thousands of people to downtown Toronto on Sunday, is one of the largest yearly gatherings in the city. Opposition leader Jagmeet Singh and Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow were among the notable figures present at the event.

The incident has heightened tensions between India and Canada, with India urging Canada to address such activities that could potentially strain bilateral relations and pose risks to public safety.

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