Operation Ajay: Second Group of 235 Indian Citizens Safely Return Home from Israel

Operation Ajay

Operation Ajay: On a special flight arranged as part of “Operation Ajay,” the second group of Indian citizens left war-torn Israel early today morning and arrived home safely. On Saturday, the aeroplane carrying 235 Indian citizens, two of whom were newborns, touched down at Indira Gandhi International (IGI) Airport in New Delhi.

First Charter Flight under ‘Operation Ajay’ Safely Returns 212 Indians from Israel

In the midst of Israel’s heated confrontation with the Palestinian militant organisation Hamas, the first charter flight under “Operation Ajay,” bringing 212 Indian citizens from Israel, touched down in Delhi airport on Friday morning. Following an initiative by the Indian embassy to encourage all Indians to register at the mission’s database, the passengers were selected on a “first come, first serve” basis. The expense of their return is covered by the government.

India Launches Repatriation Effort Amid Israel-Gaza Tensions

In response to the blatant attacks on Israeli cities by Hamas militants from Gaza on October 7, which sparked new tension in the unstable region, India began “Operation Ajay” on Thursday to aid the repatriation of individuals who wish to return home. It departed at 11:02 p.m. local time. On Sunday as well, Indian people will continue to be evacuated.

Indian Embassy Coordinates Special Flights for Citizens in ‘Operation Ajay’ Amidst Praises

“The Embassy has emailed the next lot of registered Indian citizens for the special flight today. Messages to other registered people will follow for subsequent flights,” the Indian Embassy posted the announcement on X. ‘Operation Ajay’ has been praised by Safed, a researcher at Bar-Ilan University, who also hailed the Indian government. “I really want to thank the Government of India for evacuating us from the war situation in Israel… Our government has evacuated us from such a situation under ‘Operation Ajay’,” Suryakant Tiwari, PhD student at Azrieli Faculty of Medicine, Bar-Ilan University, Safed told PTI.

Evacuating 18000 Indian Citizens in the Wake of Unprecedented Israel-Gaza Tensions

About 18,000 Indian citizens reside and work in Israel, including carers, students, a number of IT specialists, and diamond traders. Indian people had to be evacuated when armed Hamas terrorists from the Gaza Strip breached the Israeli border fence on Saturday and poured into Israel via land, air, and sea in what is now being referred to as an unprecedented attack. Since then, the onslaught has left more than 1,300 people dead in Israel while more than 1,900 people have died in Gaza as a result of Israeli counter-airstrikes. Approximately 1,500 Hamas fighters were allegedly killed inside Israel, according to Israel.

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