Supreme Court Rejects Baba Ramdev’s ‘Unconditional Apology’ Over Patanjali’s Deceptive Ads

Baba Ramdev

Baba Ramdev: The “unconditional apology” from Baba Ramdev and Acharya Balkrishna over the deceptive advertising of Patanjali’s pharmaceutical products was rejected by the Supreme Court on Wednesday. Judges Hima Kohli and Ahsanuddin Amanullah harshly criticised Patanjali, stating that their acts were “wilful, deliberate and repeated violations” of the rulings of the highest court.

Arguments in Court

Speaking on behalf of the Patanjali founders, Senior Advocate Mukul Rohatgi told the court that mistakes are a part of life. The Supreme Court, however, chastised the attorney, saying that people must suffer in certain situations. “We are not blinded…We don’t want to be generous in this case,” the bench noted. Advocate Rohatgi read aloud two affidavits provided by Patanjali and its MD, Acharya Balkrishna, and another by Baba Ramdev at today’s hearing.

“The apology is on paper. Their back is against the wall. We decline to accept this, we consider it a deliberate violation of undertaking. Be ready for something next to rejection of the affidavit,” The Supreme Court said. The bench also called out Baba Ramdev, saying that he had filed a backdated ticket in the affidavit and had sought an exemption from appearing in court, citing plans to travel abroad.

Court’s Warning on Exemption

“In contempt matter, when you seek exemption saying I have a ticket to travel abroad, then you are saying I don’t have it? You’re taking the process very lightly,” the bench warned, calling the incident “perjury” in court.

The panel also censured Patanjali for not surrendering to the court and instead distributing their apology affidavit to the public first.  “They sent it to the media first, till 7.30 pm yesterday it was not uploaded for us. They believe in publicity clearly,” Justice Kohli said.

Immediate Suspension of Licensing Officers

In addition, the Supreme Court declared that three medicine licencing officers were to be suspended right away for granting the Uttarakhand government permission to sell Patanjali items. “When they (Patanjali) violated the statement made to you, what did you do? Sit and wiggle your thumbs? You waited for us to prod you?” Justice Kohli asked.

Judicial Condemnation

Justice Amanullah threatened to oust distinguished counsel Dhruv Mehta after he argued on behalf of the Uttarakhand State Licencing Authority. “We have strong objection to use of word ‘bonafide’ for officers. We are not going to take lightly. We will rip you apart,” Justice Amanullah said.

The Supreme Court has turned into a “mockery now,” the bench chastised the licencing body. “People think we sit in ivory towers. Your officers should be hauled up. You are in hands-in gloves with Patanjali,” the top court added. Mithilesh Kumar, the joint director of the Uttarakhand State Licencing Authority, promised future action. Baba Ramdev and Acharya Balkrishna have been invited by the Supreme Court to appear before it at the case’s next hearing on April 16.

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