Kota News: Tragic! 3 Year Old Girl Dies After Being Forgotten in Locked Car by Parents

Kota News

Kota News: Three-year-old Gorvika Nagar died in a tragic event in Kota, Rajasthan, after being unintentionally locked inside a car during a wedding ceremony. The tragic incident in the village of Jorawarpura exposed a grave error that resulted in the young girl’s death.

Miscommunication Leads to Tragedy

When Pradeep Nagar and his wife, together with their two kids, arrived at the wedding location, it was then that the horror started to unfold. As soon as they arrived, Gorvika’s father parked the car and her mother and older sister got out. But in the middle of the celebration’s commotion, uncertainty emerged. Because both parents thought Gorvika was with the other, there was a miscommunication that resulted in serious repercussions. Gorvika’s mother assumed she was with her father, while her father thought she had gone with her mother and elder sister.

Realisation Strikes Too Late

The family didn’t come to the startling realisation until two hours later, during the festivities. They had mixed throughout the event, meeting different groups, and then all of a sudden saw that Gorvika was missing. They hurried hysterically to the parking lot where they were confronted by a horrifying scene.

Tragic Discovery and Unfortunate Outcome

When the family got to the car, Gorvika was unconscious in the rear seat. Even though they tried to get medical help right away, it was too late. Tragically, Gorvika’s family was devastated by the unexpected turn of events, and doctors at the closest hospital declared her dead.

The Police state that Gorvika’s family refused to have an autopsy performed as well as have any police inquiry into the event .

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