Unlawful to declare houses illegal, CM Chouhan weighs in on regularisation of unauthorised colonies

CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan addressed a conference in Bhopal about the legalisation of illegal colonies.

CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan addressed a conference in Bhopal about the legalisation of illegal colonies. Shivraj Singh Chouhan claimed that the decision to deem homes illegal is also illegal when speaking to the visitors.

Enhancement of Illegal Communities

He added that these illegal communities will be embellished and made attractive by having access to roads, water supplies, and power. “I revoke the judgement to declare the houses illegal since it is unlawful. We’ll decorate and beautify your colonies. Roads, electricity, and water infrastructure would all be available, according to Shivraj Singh Chouhan.

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Government’s Focus on Quality of Life

According to Chief Minister Shri Chouhan, the government’s goal is to improve the quality of life for the populace. The Urban Development and Housing Department received the appropriate directives from Chief Minister Shri Chouhan for this. Colonies that have achieved legal status will now have access to bank credit. It is possible to distribute MLA and MP fund money for development. In the colonies, he recommended the formation of resident associations. To make sure that the colonies don’t fall behind in cleanliness, a public effort should be launched. It is our responsibility to maintain a clean atmosphere once the house has been constructed. Every citizen should practise good hygiene and cleanliness.

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