
UCC To Be Implemented In Uttrakhand After June 30

Neha Kumari
New Update
Pushkar Singh Dhami

Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami said that the committee headed by Justice Ranjana Prasad Desai has almost prepared the draft for Uniform Civil Code and by June 30, the committee will make the draft available to the government. As soon as the government receives the draft, it will move towards its implementation. Said that Uttarakhand will be the first state in the country, where Uniform Civil Code will be implemented.


CM Dhami said this while inaugurating the Modern Integrated Command and Control Center set up at the Police Line Office on Friday. The CM said that conversion was like a mite, to stop which strict laws were brought. Said that the government is not against any religion, but will not tolerate encroachment on government land.

To implement the Uniform Civil Code in Uttarakhand, the state government constituted a five-member expert committee under the chairmanship of former Supreme Court judge Ranjana Prakash Desai. The committee will examine all relevant laws governing personal civil affairs of all people in the state and prepare a report on the draft law or amendments to the existing law. Former Chief Justice of Sikkim High Court Pramod Kohli, former Chief Secretary, former Vice Chancellor and a social activist have been made members of the committee.
Major decisions taken in the industry committee meeting

Now only after receiving the complaint the labor inspector will go to inspect the industries.

He said that ESI Hospital will be connected to SIDCUL internally. This takes more time. Three and a half crore rupees have been sanctioned for the construction of the road for this.

ESI hospital will also open in Kashipur

All the roads inside the sidewall. They will be repaired.

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Uttarakhand Uniform Civil Code UCC Pushkar Singh Dhami CM Dhami
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