Google Update: THESE Gmail Accounts to Be Permanently Deactivated, Check Why

Google Update

Google Update: Google has released a warning that all the inactive accounts will be permanently deleted from the servers in the next three weeks. Tech giant has also suggested users to update their records to prevent account deletion. The company is planning to remove millions of accounts on Gmail occupying a considerable amount of space on the servers. This warning is specifically for those Gmail account holders who haven’t used their account in the past 2 years. All the data of the user such as photos, videos and other important files will be permanently deleted from the Google servers. Check out more details of the news below.

The new update seems to be the beginning of the major update in Google’s email service. After three weeks all the unused and inactive accounts on Gmail will be permanently deleted. The tech giant is expected to implement its new policy which was introduced earlier this year. It also informed that it is updating its inactivity policy by reducing it to two years for all the products. Tech giant has also reduced the time duration for which Google can retain unused data of the users.

The new inactive policy of Google will impact the safety of the users positively as it will help in preventing the active accounts to get caught in security threats like account hijacking, phishing. Inactive accounts remain prone to get hacked. In order to prevent any loss of the crucial data of the user, Google will send multiple notifications to such dormant accounts.

Additionally, the company will also send messages and notifications to the linked recovery email of the user. Account holder who hasn’t used their Gmail accounts in the past 2 years can prevent their account to be deleted by undermentioned ways:

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