Jamnagar Viral Video: For the past 48 hours, Gujarat has faced relentless heavy rainfall, causing unprecedented flooding in the state. With rivers spewing their banks and low-lying areas submerged, a dozen districts of Surat and Kutch faced flood-like situations. The Met department – IMD issued a warning that heavy rainfall was going to persist for three more days, thereby prolonging the state’s misery.
Jamnagar’s Floating Police Post
In Rajkot, the situation turned worse with city roads submerged, drowning the vehicles fully. Heavy rains battered the entire state. Reports of some gross incidents are emerging from every area that was affected.
One such stunning sight was that of a car falling into the heavy drainage current near Tollnaka in Jamnagar, carrying atop it four members of a family, who were frantically signaling for help. The strong water current swept their car into a grove of trees and saved the lives of those stranded inside. in a Jamnagar Viral Video, we can see the floodwaters in Jamnagar were so deep that the police post in the city seemed as if it might start floating away like a boat.
IMD Forecasts More Rain
The flood has resulted in large-scale collapse of infrastructure, over 700 villages have been plunged into darkness and 523 roads in districts like Surat, Navsari, Valsad, Tapi Dang, and Chhotaudepur have been closed. The swollen Narmada River, full from continuous dam releases, is inching toward danger levels and has furthered the crisis.
The roads in Vadodara always stay jam-packed due to heavy traffic, while now they are flooded with a number of feet-high water levels. Continued rain has brought the city to a grinding halt, with citizens anxiously waiting for succor. The situation continues to remain grim as the floodwaters rise and IMD has issued a forecast of more heavy rainfall for Saurashtra on August 29. A red alert has been issued for all the districts except North Gujarat.
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