Nashik Viral Video: In a horrific incident on an express train near Igatpuri in Nashik, Maharashtra, an elderly man was brutally thrashed by fellow commuters on suspicion of carrying beef. A viral video led the GRP to start an investigation into the violent altercation.
Cause of the Attack
Hailing from Jalgaon district, the victim was identified as Haji Ashraf Munyar, who was on his way to his daughter’s house in Kalyan. The Nashik Viral Video, tweeted by Goldy Srivastav, showed dozens of passengers attacking and abusing Munyar inside the running train. The passengers had turned aggressive suspecting that Munyar was carrying beef – a culturally banned meat for the prevailing dietetics and cultural beliefs in the region.
Investigation and Response
GRP, post the incident, claimed they started a full-scale investigation into the incident. Though Munyar and a few of the attackers were traced, the list of all who attacked him is still being prepared. “We took cognizance of the video and identified the victim. Some of the people involved in this attack have also been identified. The investigation of the case is going on,” confirmed a GRP spokesperson.
The Nashik Viral Video has triggered much outrage and discussions on social media over the acute communal sensitivities and how better safeguards against such incidents are needed. As the GRP continues its investigation, the case underlines the urgent need for improved security in trains and better mechanisms to tackle and de-escalate similar situations in the future.
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