Viral Video: A disturbing video of two groups getting into a violent brawl at Sidhua Temple Fair in Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh, has gone viral. The brawl has been gaining traction as it escalated quite fast, especially after a policeman was thrashed in the fight for no reason. He was trying to solve the issue between the groups.
Tension Escalates at Sidhua Temple Fair
The incident took place when a large crowd had gathered at the fair, which is a regular event at Sidhua temple. Reports suggest the tension between the two groups boiled over and spilled into a physical fight. The situation spiralled completely out of control, with both sides attacking each other.
What really makes the video alarming is the scene where a young woman can be seen wielding a stick, moving aggressively toward a policeman. The CCTV footage was shared on Twitter by the account “Harsh Tyagi,” showing the lady trying to hit the officer with the stick. Even with the police present, the fight continued, therefore showing how heated the situation really was.
Public Condemnation Grows Following Attack on Policeman
The video has left many outraged and shocked since many are left wondering how such a situation would occur at a public event. The attack on the policeman has evoked much condemnation, with very wide condemnation and calls for swift action against the attackers. The local police authorities are aware of the happening and have, reportedly started probing the incident.
The attack on the policeman is being tackled in seriousness, and the culprits may be meted out the sternest punishment possible. ‘It was a very awful incident that reminded everyone of how difficult it is for police to control the peace during large public meetings and how they can prevent tensions from surging into full-scale violence.’. Video went viral and was a subject of hot debate over social media, amid all this, while many are demanding tougher measures for the prevention of any such incident in the future.
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