Jaunpur Viral Video: At the Sureri Police Station in Jaunpur, a police constable slapped a journalist who asked why his name plate was missing. The video of the incident has gone viral and social media is ablaze with anger, which has also brought up important questions about police accountability and behaviour.
Journalist’s Encounter with Unidentified Cop in Jaunpur Goes Viral
The video, shared on X by Priya Singh, captures the moment when the journalist confronts a constable about not wearing his name badge, which is a standard requirement for police officers. The journalist’s inquiry begins with, “Nameplate kyun nahi lagaya, aise ham kaise manenge…” questioning the absence of the name plate.
Another officer responds by displaying his name plate while the journalist keeps asking why the badge is absent. But things quickly get out of hand when the constable hits the reporter and begins to use foul words. The constable’s harsh response was totally inappropriate and has drawn criticism from many netizens.
Jaunpur Police’s Response
In response to the viral video and the public outcry, the Jaunpur Police have taken action. The official handle of Jaunpur Police on X stated, “Taking cognizance of the matter, Superintendent of Police Jaunpur has handed over the investigation of the case to the Deputy Superintendent of Police. After investigation, necessary legal action will be taken on the basis of the investigation report.”
Public Outrage and Reactions
The video has triggered a wave of outrage among netizens. Comments on social media reflect a strong condemnation of the police officer’s actions. One user expressed frustration, stating, “If anyone has the details of the journalist, they should be made available immediately. How dare the policeman…” Another comment read, “Ab dekhna ye hai ki patrakaar Ekta hai ki nahi. Inko nilambit karwa paate hai sab milke ya nahi.” A third user remarked, “Bahut hi galat, kisne adhikaar dia reporter pe hath uthane ko??”
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