World Mental Health Day 2023: Top Sadhguru Tips on Mental Wellbeing

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Why are Mental Health issues common these days?

Sadhguru talks about mental health issues which are common in today's generation due to the invention of phones and social media 

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Connect with nature

Sadhguru says that it is important to connect with nature by taking a trip to a forest or something close to nature.

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Physical activity

Physical activity is crucial to have a good mental health. Children are recommended to take up a sport or any other hobby

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One of the main reasons for depression is not having a way of expressing oneself. Therefore, taking up a hobby can help.

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Colon Health

Colon health is important for overall well-being. Your colon should naturally empty, 20 minutes after you wake up in the morning. 

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Healthy diet

Eating the right kind of food is important for both physical and mental energy in a generation where our work demands both physical and mental fitness

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Ash Guard juice

Ash guard juice is suggested by Sadhguru that boosts energy while keeping you calm unlike coffee

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Honey is also great for children to keep the heart healthy and for mental wellness

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Inner Engineering

Inner engineering is a meditation practice taught by Sadhguru that helps you find joy in life. 

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